Superintendent » Message from Superintendent

Message from Superintendent

Welcome to the Wasco Union High School District. We hope that this web site will be visited by people around the world, as well as by members of our community. For specific information regarding the district and community, please connect to our link, The History of WUHSD. It is our belief that our foundation of shared mission (purpose), vision (clear direction), values (collective commitments), and goals (indicators, timelines, and targets) not only addresses how we will work to improve our schools, but reinforces the moral purpose and collective responsibility that clarify why our day-to-day work is so important.

Core Beliefs
  • We believe that students are the center of everything we do, and our practice will reflect their best interest.
  • We believe in our students, staff, faculty, administration, Board of Trustees, parents, and community.
  • We believe in ensuring that students learn, maintaining a culture of collaboration and focusing on results.
  • We believe that schools play a major role in the future life success of students and their community.
  • We believe in providing and maintaining the best possible facilities for our students.
  • We believe that schools are a community's most precious institution, and they have the power to transform a community.
  • We believe that schools must partner with other members of the community in order for the educational experience to be optimal.
  • We believe that character is important and that schools can help shape a child's character.
  • We believe that service to the community is important and that it is essential in a democratic society.
  • We believe that when we combine individual strengths, unite towards a common goal, and collaborate to get results, we all get to share in the success.
  • We believe that our shared commitment will help sustain the effort and energy needed for this important work.
Each day of the school year, we want our parents and community to know that students in the Wasco Union High School District enter an environment that is both compassionate and challenging where students will be stretched to achieve their full potential. We are committed to the fundamental mission to do whatever it takes to ensure high levels of learning, raise expectations, and broaden horizons for the sake of the dreams and aspirations of the students whose lives we touch.
Kevin Tallon
District Superintendent