Measure D - Oversight Committee » Citizens' Oversight Committee Members Needed:

Citizens' Oversight Committee Members Needed:

As you may know, the Wasco community approved Bond Measure D in the recent November election. After the passing of the bond, Proposition 39 state law requires the Wasco Union High School District Governing Board appoint a Citizens' Oversight Committee. The purpose of the citizens’ oversight committee shall be to inform the public concerning the expenditure of bond revenues. The citizens’ oversight committee shall actively review and report on the proper expenditure of taxpayers’ money for school construction.”
Current Citizens' Oversight Committee Members Needed:
  • At-Large Community Representative
  • At-Large Community Representative
  • Parent of a Student and active in a parent-teacher organization or school site council
  • Parent of a Student Enrolled in the District
  • Taxpayer Organization Representative
  • Business Representative
  • Senior Citizen Representative

The District is inviting members from the community to serve on this committee. The application is located in the drop-down tab of this page. The applications are due to the District Office by Friday, March 21, 2025.